Presentation Information
[19p-A306-16]Fundamental study of Multi-Isotope Imaging Using a Novel Gamma Ray Imaging Technique Based on Detector Response Patterns
〇(D)Yoshiharu Kitayama1,2, Nogami Mitsuhiro2, Keitaro Hitomi2 (1.JAEA, 2.Tohoku Univ.)
Gamma-ray imaging,machine learning,Simultaneous multi-isotope imaging
We have developed a new gamma-ray imaging technique utilizing the response patterns of multiple detectors. Experimental results have demonstrated imaging capability with an angular resolution of approximately 10 degrees for 662 keV gamma rays. In this study, we investigated the characteristics of our method for different energy gamma rays through simulations. The results revealed the simultaneous imaging capability of 141 keV and 511 keV gamma rays, in addition to 662 keV. Future efforts will focus on optimizing various parameters to improve accuracy further.