Presentation Information
[19p-A311-8]Twisted Fiber Microfluidics: A Cutting-Edge Approach to 3D spiral Devices
〇(B)Shunsuke Kato1, Daniel Carlson3, Amy Shen3, Yuanyuan Guo2 (1.Tohoku Univ, 2.FRIS, Tohoku Univ, 3.OIST)
microfluidics,thermally-drawn fiber,Dean flow
Microfluidics is a technology to manipulate and apply micro-scale fluids and is widely used in fields such as life sciences, chemistry, and materials engineering. Most conventional microfluidic devices are constructed by lithography on a flat substrate, which allows fine control of the flow path shape, but also has issues such as limited selection of materials, complex manufacturing processes, and limitation to flat structures. In this research, we worked to develop polymer fibers with 3D helical microfluidic channels as a new method while solving these issues by improving the thermal drawing process, which is a manufacturing technology for optical communication fibers.