Presentation Information
[19p-A601-1]Fabrication of X-rays absorption grating by centrifugal deposition
〇(M1C)Ren Nasukawa1, Yui Bishago1, Kentaro Makihara2, Xiaoyu Laing1,3, Wataru Yashiro1,3,4,5 (1.Tohoku Univ., 2.JASRI, 3.IMRAM, Tohoku Univ., 4.SRIS, Tohoku Univ., 5.Tokyo Univ.)
optical element
Absorption gratings can be fabricated by filling the grooves of a one-dimensional lattice structure with a high aspect ratio with X-ray absorbers, and the ultracentrifugal deposition method has been proposed as a low-cost and quick method for fabricating such gratings. In this method, a suspension of X-ray absorber particles is subjected to an ultracentrifuge to sediment the particles, which are then deposited in the grooves of a structure placed at the bottom of the suspension. In this experiment, we fabricated X-ray absorption gratings by the ultracentrifugal deposition method and attempted to melt the particles using an electric furnace in order to further improve the filling ratio.