Presentation Information
[19p-A601-4]Development of micro-phase-contrast X-ray CT system using propagation method
〇Akio Yoneyama1, Chikako Nagasato3, Chika Kamezawa2, Rika Baba4, Keiichi Hirano2 (1.SAGA LS, 2.KEK PF, 3.Hokkaido Univ., 4.Hitachi)
micro-phase X-ray CT
A micro-phase X-ray CT system using the propagation method was constructed at BL-14B of the Photon Factory of High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK PF). The energy range is 9-20 keV, the field of view is 2.6 mm square, and the pixel size is 1.3 mm. The obtained absorption and phase CT images of agarose-embedded kelp showed that the presence of kelp could barely be seen in the absorption image, but the phase image showed that even the internal structure of kelp could be visualized in high resolution.