Presentation Information

[19p-P01-23]Synthesis of graphene on silver foil by chemical vapor deposition using ethanl

〇(B)Hikaru Iwatani1, Ryusuke Tanaka1, Yuta Masuda1, Fumihiko Maeda1 (1.Fukuoka Inst.)


graphene,chemical vapor deposition,silver

Few experimental results of CVD using gas source as the growth material were reported on graphene growth using a silver substrate. It is believed that deposition rate of carbon material was limited owing to the low ability of gas decomposition at the surface of silver. To verify this speculation, we tried CVD growth on silver substrates using ethanol gas. Then, we found that carbon can be deposited on the silver surface under specific conditions even using gaseous materials, although there are critical conditions, indicating the possibility of graphene growth.