Presentation Information
[19p-P02-3]Packing structure formation of silica nano particles by ion adsorption on nanoimprint surface
〇Akira Emoto1, Haruka Matsukawa2, Yuki Watanabe2, Tsubasa Arai2, Akira Kishimato2 (1.Tokushima Univ., 2.Nittetsu Mining Co., Ltd.)
nanoimprint,nano particle,ion adsorption
Usually, electron beam or focused ion beam is used for the milling of hard materials at a fine scale. While, fine structure transfer techniques such as photolithography and nanoimprint are applied for soft materials. If such pattern can be displaced, the research fields associated with materials or devices could be transformed to the novel stage. In this study, we have attempted to form a packing structure of silica nano particles by ion adsorption on nanoimprint surface, to realize an approach of fine structure transfer to hard materials.