Presentation Information
[20a-A310-10]Increasing of solid angle and improvement of detection efficiency for TOF-ERDA system
〇Haruya Fujii1, Satoshi Senda1, Chika Hasegawa1, Tomoki Shima1, Keisuke Yasuda1, Syuri Nakamizo2, Takuya Majima2 (1.Kyoto Pref. Univ., 2.Kyoto Univ.)
TOF-ERDA,Detection efficiency,Solid angle
TOF-ERDA system was upgraded to a large solid angle and detection efficiency was improved. The solid angle was 0.42 msr, Which is 2.6 times higher than the previous value of 0.16 msr caused by the increased sensitive area of the transmission detector. The detection efficiency of lithium was improved from 50~60% to 70~80% by changing the MCP detector.