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[20a-B202-5]Formation of HfN nanoparticles on Si by remote plasma and plasmonic properties

〇Takeshi Kitajima1, Toshiki Nakano1 (1.Nat. Def. Acad.)



HfN nanoparticles are attracting attention as materials for local heat generation and photochemical applications because they are non-noble metals that have plasmon resonance in the visible region. Hf nanoparticles were formed on SiO2/Si(100) samples by electron beam evaporation, and HfN nanoparticles with a diameter of 20-50 nm were formed by nitrogen radical irradiation from N2 inductively coupled remote plasma. In the UV-visible light absorption spectrum, the peak at 550 nm corresponding to the plasmon resonance was not clear, but the absorption peak of the interband transition near 280 nm was confirmed.