Presentation Information

[20a-P03-12]Development of SQUID Measurement System for Determining the Time-Reversal Symmetry of Superconductors

〇(D)Mitsuhiro Teshigawara1, Makoto Ono1, Hirotake Yamamori2, Yasunori Mawatari2, Rikizo Yano1, Satoshi Kashiwaya1 (1.Nagoya Univ., 2.AIST.)


superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID),unconventional superconductor,time-reversal symmetry

We aim to detect the spontaneous magnetic field from unconventional superconductors to determine the time-reversal symmetry. To detect the spontaneous magnetic field; which is small and is distributed locally near the edge, we plan to develop a local measurement system using SQUID. We designed the SQUID dedicated to the detection of local signals and protection from noise. We also measured the characteristic of the device to confirm its operation. In this presentation, we will introduce our SQUID designs and evaluate our device’s characteristics through the measurement results. Also, we will discuss whether we could detect the spontaneous magnetic field with our current system.