Presentation Information

[20p-A309-6]Epitaxial Stabilization of Ferroelectric Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 via Interfacial Reconstruction

〇Yufan Shen1, Mitsutaka Haruta1, Lin I-Ching1, Daisuke Kan1, Yuichi Shimakawa1 (1.Kyoto Univ. ICR)


Ferroelectric thin film,Hafnium oxide

There has been a lot of interest in the ferroelectricity of meta-stable orthorhombic Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 (o-HZO) because of its unique behavior compared to traditional ferroelectric perovskites. Despite its potential practical applications, the stabilization of ferroelectric o-HZO has presented significant difficulties. Epitaxial growth of HZO on the perovskite manganite La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 (LSMO) was shown recently to stabilize the metastable o-HZO without introducing other non-polar phases. However, the mechanism of the o-HZO stabilization on LSMO has not been fully examined yet. In this presentation, we will discuss the stabilization mechanism of this heterostructure, explaining how interfaces assist this unique stabilization.