Presentation Information

[21a-A307-3]Operation stabilization of ReRAM by superimposing voltage noise

〇(M1)Kentaro Takaya1,2, Suga Hiroshi1, Shima Hisashi2, Naitoh Yasuhisa2, Akinaga Hiroyuki2 (1.Chiba Tech., 2.AIST.)


Resistive random-access memory

ReRAM (Resistive random-access memory) is a memory device with a simple structure. This makes it advantageous for miniaturization and high integration of devices, but stable resistance control during switching has become an issue. In recent years, it has been reported through simulations that ReRAM may be able to perform stable resistance change operation when noise is superimposed on its operating voltage. In this study, we superimposed noise on the operating voltage of a real device and verified the effect of suppressing resistance variation after the ReSET process.