Presentation Information
[21a-A309-7]Biosensing Application of Surface-plasmon Tip-tapered Fiber with gold nanoparticles to Albumin detection
〇Aya Miyazaki1, Masahiro Yamamoto1, Ayaka Sudou1, Yuichi Matsushima1, Hiroshi Ishikawa1, Katsuyuki Utaka1 (1.Waseda Univ.)
Surface-plasmon sensor
Measuring the concentration of albumin in blood can contribute to the early detection of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer, and to the detection of kidney abnormalities by detecting albumin that is not originally contained in urine. In this study, we propose an advanced tapered surface plasmon sensor using gold nanoparticles for biosensing applications for albumin detection, which is highly sensitive, label-free, and capable of real-time measurement.