Presentation Information
[21a-D902-6][Young Scientist Presentation Award Speech] Development of on-chip gel film actuators for reproduction of in vivo-like environments
〇Riku Takahashi1, Hiroki Miyazako2, Aya Tanaka1, Masumi Yamaguchi1 (1.NTT-BRL, BMC, 2.The Univ. of Tokyo)
Hydrogel,Actuator,Buckling deformation
Technology to reproduce in vivo-like microstructures and stimulation environments on substrates is important for the development of advanced cellular functions, such as organ chips. We have previously reported the formation of a tubular structure similar to a living tissue by buckling a thin hydrogel film on a substrate, and the possibility of biomimetic actuation by spatiotemporal control of light stimulation. In this study, we evaluated the shape stability in air and deformation stability during cyclic actuation for further application of this device.