Presentation Information

[21a-P05-5]Scanning tunneling potentiometry of the Si(111)-(4x1)-In surface

〇Masayuki Hamada1, Yukio Hasegawa1 (1.ISSP, Univ. of Tokyo)


Scanning tunneling potentiometry,surface states conductivity,Si(111)-(4x1)-In

Scanning tunneling potentiometry (STP) enables us to map the topography and electrochemical potential distributions simultaneously in atomic scale special resolution and micro-volt level potential sensitivity on the surface under the lateral current flowing parallel to the sample surface. We have developed UHV-STP to perform STP measurements on the Si(111)-(4x1)-In surface superstructure, which is known as a one-dimensional metal that has a highly anisotropic transport property. We successfully obtained surface potential images simultaneously with the corresponding surface topographic image with a spatial resolution resolving In atomic chains. We will discuss local transport properties around steps and domain boundaries and their anisotropies in the presentation.