Presentation Information
[21a-P07-1]SiC thin single crystal growth using liquid phase silicon and methane gas
〇(M1)Taisei Horiuchi1, Uchida Ryunosuke1, Taishi Toshinori1 (1.Shinshu Univ.)
SiC,single crystal,crystal growth
We have proposed a polycrystalline SiC coating method using liquid-phase Si, which was originated from the TSSG method. In this method, SiC microcrystals are formed as a byproduct on the inner wall of the furnace by the reaction between the evaporation of Si solvent and the residual carbon in the furnace during the SiC solution growth. This method was applied to the growth of polycrystalline films on SiC ceramics. In this study, the substrate was changed from polycrystalline to single crystal, and the growth of SiC single crystals using liquid Si and methane gas was investigated.