Presentation Information
[21p-C601-1]Toward High Performance of Semi-transparent Organic Photovoltaic Cells
Kazu Nin1,2, Kohei Yamamoto1, Tetsuhiko Miyadera1, Masayuki Chikamatsu1, Takuro Murakami1, Masahiko Saito3, Itaru Osaka3, 〇Yuji Yoshida1,2 (1.AIST, 2.Univ. of Tsukuba, 3.Hiroshima Univ.)
organic photovoltaic cell,semi-transparent,average visible transmittance
In our research on semi-transparent organic photovoltaic cells (STOPV), we have been studying performance improvement using average visible transmittance (AVT) and light utilization efficiency (LUE), which is expressed as the product of conversion efficiency and AVT. So far, we have been studying the use of DTB with relatively high AVT. However, the basic conversion efficiency is low, and STOPV has not yet been fabricated. Therefore, we selected a highly efficient p-type semiconducting polymer, PNBTz1, which is expected to have a relatively high AVT, and examined it as a STOPV.