Presentation Information
[21p-C601-18]Phase Purity and Performance of Silver Bismuth Iodide Solar Cells and Impact of [Bi, I] Intermediate Complexes
〇Tsutomu Miyasaka1, Natalia Belen Correa Guerrero2, Ajay Kumar Jena3 (1.Toin Univ. Yokohama, 2.Institute of Nanoscience Nanotech. CNEA-CONICET, 3.Univ. Tokyo, School of Arts and Sciences)
Perovskite-inspired Silver Bismuth Halides (SBH) with the structure AaBbXx=a+3b (A=Ag; B=Bi; X=I) exhibit a desirable bandgap of 1.8-1.9 eV, strong absorption characteristics, and environmental friendliness attributed to the lower toxicity of bismuth. Previously, we found that phase the pure Ag2BiI5 is hard to be achieved due to their multiple phases. Even a desired stoichiometric ratio of AgI to BiI3 produces an SBH with mixed phases of Ag2BiI5, Ag3BiI6 with AgI on excess for silver-rich species. Based on our analysis, we will present our study on iodobismuthtates complexes [BiI3+x]-x; their presence, concentration varying with the AgI : BiI3 ratio, and possible correlation to the mixed phase SBH formation. The device performance of SBH-bsed solar cells will also be introfuced.