Presentation Information

[22a-A202-5]The Electronic Property of MoS2-FET Under flowing Dopamine in Fluids

〇Tsuyoshi Takaoka1, Md Nasiruddin2, Hiroki Waizumi3, Yasuyuki Sainoo1, Atsushi Ando3, Tadahiro Komeda1 (1.IMRAM, Tohoku Univ., 2.Sci, Tohoku Univ., 3.AIST)


layered material,MoS2,FET

We investigated the change in electrical properties of a field-effect transistor (FET) using molybdenum disulfide, MoS2, as a channel material when it was brought into contact with a solution containing trace molecules. We investigated the function of MoS2-FET as a sensor. Alcoholic and aqueous solutions containing trace amounts of dopamine molecules were introduced to MoS channel surface via microfluidic channels made of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and its electrical properties were investigated. We detected changes in electrical properties depending on the concentration of dopamine molecules.