Presentation Information

[22a-A307-5]Fabrication of Cr/MgO tips for STS application

〇Yuki Yamada1, Agus Subagyo1, Muraji Watanabe1, Eko Ishihara1, Eiji Hatta1, Kazuhisa Sueoka1 (1.Hokkaido Univ.)


probe microscope,spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscope,antiferromagnetism probe

In recent years, a single-crystal Cr probe has been developed for spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy using Cr film epitaxially grown on MgO substrate, fabricated through a combination of lithography techniques and wet etching techniques. However, the wet etching process is not fully understood, and there are remaining challenges in evaluating the controllability and consistency of the magnetization direction at the probe tip. This study aims to optimize the fabrication conditions for the Cr single-crystal probe and to evaluate its characteristics through STM measurements.