Presentation Information
[22a-A309-2]Development of a high-spatial resolution SPR-imaging method with a plasmonic chip
〇Yasunori Nawa1, Keiko Tawa1 (1.Kwansei Gakuin Univ.)
Surface plasmon resonance,high spatial resolution,label-free
We propose a high spatial resolution SPR-imaging method to further improve the detection sensitivity in the SPR method. In the proposed method, we use an objective lens and a plasmonic chip which we have developed. The light tightly focused using an objective lens with a high numerical aperture illuminates a region about the diffraction limit and the refractive index is measured, which suppresses background signals from non-samples and improves its sensitivity. We achieved the precise detection of the relationship between the resonance angle and refractive index of the solution sample mixed with water and DMSO. Using this method, high-sensitivity measurement of molecular samples can be expected.