Presentation Information

[22a-A602-5]Distinguishing dielectric materials with nearly identical refractive indices using Spatial Goos-Hänchen shift measurements

〇(M2)Jared Joshua Cabacungan Operana1, Nina Angelica Simon1, Nathaniel Hermosa1 (1.Univ. of the Philippines Diliman)


Goos-Hanchen Shift,Dielectrics,Reflectivity

The ability to differentiate between dielectric materials with nearly equal refractive indices is crucial in various fields, including optics, material science, and nanotechnology. Traditional methods rely on measuring the reflectivity of light, which often proves insufficient due to the limited sensitivity and accuracy in distinguishing closely related materials. In this study, we propose a novel approach utilizing the measurement of Goos-Hanchen (GH) shift of light to overcome the limitations of reflectivity-based techniques and achieve enhanced discrimination between dielectrics with similar refractive indices.
The Goos-Hanchen effect refers to the lateral displacement of a light beam reflected from the interface of two media with different refractive indices. By analyzing the GH shift, which depends on the incidence angle and the refractive index mismatch, we can extract valuable information about the dielectric properties of the materials. This study aims to explore the potential of GH shift measurements as a reliable and sensitive tool for distinguishing dielectrics that exhibit marginal differences in refractive indices.
The results of this study demonstrated that measuring the GH shift of light provides a promising alternative for distinguishing dielectrics with similar refractive indices. The GH shift exhibited distinct characteristics specific to each material, enabling their identification and differentiation. Moreover, the proposed method exhibited higher sensitivity and accuracy compared to traditional reflectivity-based techniques, effectively overcoming the limitations of conventional approaches.