Presentation Information

[22a-B204-2]Pulse Width Compression of a Bidirectional Dual-comb Fiber Laser

〇(M1)Kousuke Kubota1, Ryusei Uchiyama1, Takumi Yumoto1, Wataru Kokuyama2, Yoshiaki Nakajima1 (1.Toho Univ., 2.AIST)


optical frequency comb

Dual-comb spectroscopy has gained significant attention in recent years due to its ability to enable broadband and highly accurate spectroscopic measurements with short data acquisition times. However, implementing a dual-comb spectroscopy system can be challenging due to its complex configuration. To overcome the practical problem, we have developed a bidirectional dual-comb fiber laser capable of generating dual optical frequency combs from a single laser cavity. In this research, we gave developed an ultrashort pulse dispersion compensation optical system in a free space. This system is generated at the output of the HNLF, positioned ahead of the bidirectionally pumped EDFA.