Presentation Information

[22a-P01-31]Evaluation of interaction between local magnetization dynamics and spin waves by ST-FMR

〇Ryuki Hamada1, Sho Muroga2, Takayuki Ishibashi3, Yasushi Endo2, Tetsunori Koda1 (1.NIT, Oshima Col., 2.Tohoku Univ., 3.Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.)


ST-FMR,Magnetization dynamics,Spin wave

The precession of magnetization in a local region serves as a source of spin waves. We have discovered that when multiple wave sources are introduced in a ferromagnetic thin film, interactions occur between the wave sources through spin waves. In order to evaluate the interaction between the aforementioned precession of magnetization and spin waves, we measured ST-FMR to evaluate the torque acting on the precession of magnetization. We investigated the quantitative assessment of this interaction through analysis using experimental results and numerical simulations. In this presentation, we discuss the interaction using the numerical calculation based on micromagnetics and experimental results.