Presentation Information

[22a-P02-6]Condition Analysis of Pharmaceutical Solid Preparation using absolute PL Quantum Yields Measurement

〇Yasuto Fujimaki1, Mayu Onozato2, Tomoaki Sakamoto3,4 (1.TIRI, 2.Toho Univ., 3.NIHS, 4.Shizuoka Univ.)


absolute PL Quantum Yield,Parmaceuticals,Quality Control

Absolute PL quantum yields are a parameter obtained by precisely measuring the light absorption and emission accompanying the photoluminescence phenomenon of a substance. Mainly, it used in the development and quality control of light-emitting materials. In this study, we prepared model formulations containing fluorescent pharmaceuticals, and the absolute PL quantum yields were measured and analyzed, with the purpose of applying absolute PL quantum yields measurement as a quality control method for pharmaceuticals.