Presentation Information

[22p-A201-6]Electron spin detection using a superconducting flux qubit

〇Shiro Saito1, Rangga P. Budoyo1, Hiraku Toida1, Kosuke Kakuyanagi1 (1.NTT BRL)


quantum sensing,superconducting flux qubits,electron spin resonance

With the development of quantum information technology, superconducting qubits have made remarkable progress. Among them, a transmon qubit, the most promising component of superconducting quantum computers, is characterized by its long coherence time. On the other hand, superconducting flux qubits are characterized by their sensitivity to external magnetic fields and are expected to have applications in quantum sensing. We have utilized superconducting flux qubits as magnetic field sensors with high spatial resolution and high sensitivity demonstrating local electron spin resonance (ESR) with a sensitivity of 12 spins/Hz1/2 in a detection volume of 5 fL. Furthermore, we hybridized them with electron spins to realize a highly sensitive microthermometer with a sensitivity of 1.3 μK/Hz1/2. These results pave the way for quantum sensing applications of flux qubits.