Presentation Information

[22p-A307-15]Strain measurement of animal cells by atomic force microscopy and its theoretical analysis

〇(M2)Reo Namura1, Yuki Yamasaki1, Kazunori Okano1, Naomi Tanga1, Yoichiroh Hosokawa1 (1.Div.of Mat.Sci., NAIST)


AFM,cultured animal cells,Strain measurement

We have been researching method to analyze cell stiffness by strain measurement of atomic force microscopy (AFM), with the aim of cell membrane elasticity and intracellular viscoelasticity (intracellular pressure) in animal cells. Elasticity is analyzed by Hertzian contact theory (HCT), but HCT may not be applicable to indentation strain measurements because the entire cell is deformed, not just the probe contact. In this study, we attempted to analyze by elastic shell theory which also considers the deformation caused by the indentation of the probe.