Presentation Information
[22p-A307-2]Application of SNDM potentiometry to compensation for influence of surface trapped charges on semiconductor samples
〇Yuji Miyato1, Hiroki Nozaki2, Norihito Mayama2 (1.Ryukoku Univ., 2.Toshiba Nanoanalysis)
SNDM,potentiometry,semiconductor evaluation
Scanning Nonlinear Dielectric Microscopy (SNDM) is one of the high-resolution techniques to visualize the carrier density distributions on semiconductor samples. However, we observed the charges were accidentally trapped on the sample surface during SNDM scan. The charges possibly degrade the quantitativity and reproducibility of SNDM results when the DC bias voltages condition is fixed. In this study, we have applied the SNDM potentiometry to suppress the influence of the trapped charges.