Presentation Information

[22p-A308-16]Development of GaN-PCSEL-based 3D ToF-LiDAR for ranging in water (II)

〇Kenji Ogawa1, Menaka De Zoysa1, Masahiro Jutori1, Kei Emoto2,1, Tomoaki Koizumi2,1, Shunsuke Morimoto1, Koki Izumi1, Takuya Inoue1, Kenji Ishizaki1, Susumu Noda1 (1.Kyoto Univ., 2.Stanley Electric CO., LTD.)


GaN-PCSEL,LiDAR for ranging in water

Photonic Crystal Surface Emitting Lasers (PCSELs) are lasers capable of coherent oscillation over a large area, utilizing the resonant effects at singularities of two-dimensional photonic crystals near the active layer. In our previous work, we utilized a GaN-based PCSEL in the blue spectral range with low light absorption in water to demonstrate three-dimensional Time-of-Flight Light Detection and Ranging (ToF-LiDAR) in water which does not need any projection lens.In this study, we have achieved the automation of underwater three-dimensional ToF-LiDAR using FPGA control circuits. We successfully conducted real-time underwater 3D ranging by automating the system. We present our findings and success in this report.