Presentation Information

[22p-A601-6]Sensitivity improvement of Diamond Quantum Sensors by Continuously Excited Ramsey Method

〇Yuta Araki1, Ikuya Fujisaki1, Zehan Li1, Yuji Hatano1, Takeharu Sekiguchi1, Takayuki Iwasaki1, Mutsuko Hatano1 (1.Tokyo Tech.)


NV center

The Continuously Excited (CE) Ramsey method has attracted attention as a method with higher sensitivity than CW-ODMR.CE-Ramsey is a method to accumulate magnetic field signals while excitating NV centers with light, and the dynamics is complicated by the spin polarization caused by the light.In this study, we clarify how the contrast and phase relaxation, which directly affect the sensitivity, change with laser power and lock-in period, and pave the way to higher sensitivity.