Presentation Information

[22p-A602-15]Analysis of Hyperfine Structure and Isotope Shifts of KrⅠ by Saturated
Absorption Spectroscopy.

〇Katsuki Nomura1, Hidetoshi Shimada2, Nobuo Nishimiya1 (1.Tokyo Polytechnic Univ. of Grad., 2.Tokyo Polytechnic Univ.)


Saturated absorption spectroscopy,isotope shifts,laser spectroscopy

Spectroscopy using a hollow cathode discharge device is a very useful spectroscopy as a simple method for measuring the excited state of noble gas atoms.
Many discharge spectra observed in the near-infrared region of Kr atoms are restricted by the Doppler width and gas pressure, and the spectral resolution is poor.
This laboratory aims to elucidate the atomic structure of the Kr atom by investigating the absolute wavenumber, hyperfine structure spectrum, and isotope shift using saturated absorption spectroscopy.
We are also aiming to accumulate a high-precision data base that can be applied to frequency standards.