Presentation Information

[22p-C601-8]Outdoor Power Generation Characteristics and Degradation of Fill Factor of
Highly Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells

〇Makoto Konagai1, Hayato Okawa1, Ryousuke Ishikawa1, Masatoshi Yanagida2, Yasuhiro Shirai2 (1.Tokyo City Univ., 2.NIMS)


perovskite solar cell,outdoor power generation characteristics,light-induced degradation

For the practical application of perovskite solar cells, it is essential to understand the outdoor performance and clarify the light-induced degradation characteristics. In this study, we conducted outdoor measurements of high-efficiency perovskite solar cells (glass/ITO/NiO/perovskite/C60/BCP/Ag) prepared at NIMS, and compared the indoor standard measurement results before and after outdoor exposure. One of the cells is fixed at a south-facing installation angle of 35 degrees, and the other is installed in a two-axis tracking measurement system. All cells have an initial value of FF of 0.81-0.83. Indoor measurements after about two months of outdoor exposure showed a decrease in conversion efficiency of 18% to 14%. It was found that the degradation was mainly caused by the fill factor FF.