Presentation Information

[23a-A601-2]Generation and observation of broadband optical entangled states with 5G technologies

〇(DC)Akito Kawasaki1, Hector Brunel2,1, Ryuho Ide1, Takumi Suzuki1, Kashiwazaki Takahiro3, Inoue Asuka3, Takeshi Umeki3, Taichi Yamashima1, Kan Takase1,4, Mamoru Endo1,4, Atsushi Sakaguchi4, Warit Asavanant1,4, Akira Furusawa1,4 (1.The Univ. of Tokyo, 2.ENS, 3.NTT device technology labs, 4.Riken RQC)


Quantum Computation,entanglement,optical communication

The bandwidth of optical quantum information processing system with carrier frequency of several hundred THz are limited to several hundred MHz by homodyne (HD) detection that read out quantum information. In these days, HD instruments with tens of GHz bandwidth have been developed using 5G technologies, however their efficiency is low and it is difficult to apply them to loss-sensitive quantum light . In this research, we improve the loss tolerance of quantum light by using optical amplification and generate and verify 70 GHz-band quantum entangled states using a 5G homodyne detector.