Presentation Information
[23p-A308-8]Fiber cavity ring-down temperature sensor based on heterodyne detection
〇(M1)Taiki Ikeguchi1, Hisaki Oka1, Keiji Kuroda1 (1.Kitasato Univ.)
Fiber loop ring down spectroscopy,Fiber Bragg Grating,Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy
In fiber loop ring-down spectroscopy, an optical pulse is introduced into a fiber loop structure including a cell or a senser head. The pulse circulates many times in the fiber loop. As a result, an interaction length is increased. In addition, losses induced by the cell or the head are measured in the time domain. Measurement resolution is determined by the number of circulating pulses. In this study, we performed temperature measurements by incorporating an FBG as a sensor head. We report on a novel loop structure and the improvement of senser sensitivity based on heterodyne detection technique.