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[16p-A21-11]Electron Beam-Excited Light Source Emitting at 230 nm Using AlGaN/AlN Multiple Quantum Wells

〇Ryoya Iwase1, Ryota Akaike1,2, Hiroki Yasunaga2,3, Takao Nakamura1,2,3, Masayoshi Nagao4, Katsuhisa Murakami4, Hideto Miyake1,2 (1.Gra. Sch. of Eng. Mie Univ, 2.IC-SDF Mie Univ, 3.OPRI Mie Univ, 4.Dev. Tch. Res. Inst. AIST.)
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semiconductor,metal organic vapor phase epitaxy,electron-beam excitation

In order to realize a 230 nm band light source that is harmless to the human body and has a sterilizing effect, we investigated an epitaxial structure suitable for electron beam excitation. An n-AlN underlayer was regrown on the FFA Sp-AlN prepared by our group using an MOVPE apparatus. Furthermore, when AlGaN/AlGaN multiple quantum wells and AlGaN/AlN multiple quantum wells were fabricated and subjected to CL measurements, an improvement in the emission intensity from the AlGaN/AlN multiple quantum wells was confirmed. On the day, we will also discuss the results of depositing an Al metal back and measuring the optical output using a planar electron source made of graphene.


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