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[16p-A23-1]Martensite Epitaxy

〇Takeshi Kijima1,2, Masashi Seki1, Isao Kimura1, Hitoshi Tabata2, Kento Nakao1 (1.Gaianixx Inc., 2.Univ. of Tokyo)
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multi-functional interlayer,Martensite Epitaxy,single-crystalline functional film

When various functional films (piezoelectric, alloy, compound semiconductor, etc.) are hetero-epitaxially grown on a Si single crystal substrate, a HfZrO2 multi-functional interlayer is sandwiched between them as a buffer. Then, the HfZrO2 multi-functional interlayer undergoes slipping twin martensitic transformation in a direction that cancels out the shear stress caused by the lattice mismatch existing between the Si substrate and the functional film. At the same time, an excellent single-crystalline functional film that inherited the good single-crystallinity of the Si substrate was obtained.


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