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[17a-B2-3]The effect of transparency of a crystal and the melt on twisting during CZ-Ga2O3 growth

〇Koichi Kakimoto1, Taketoshi Tomida2, Vladimir Kochurikhin2, Kei Kamada1, Satoshi Nakano3, Akira Yoshikawa4 (1.NICHe, Tohoku Univ., 2.C & A co., 3.RIAM, Kyushu Univ., 4.IMR, Tohoku Univ.)
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This paper reports the effect of transparency of a crystal and the melt on twistin gduring CZ-Ga2O3 growth. The model includs radiative heat transfe in both the crystal and the melt by using Rossland approximation. The results indicates that the transparency of the crystal is more effective to formation of twisting than that of the melt.


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