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[17a-C301-6]Investigation of radical hydrogen supply conditions to grow high quality MgH2 thin films

〇(M2)Yuki Shimoman1, Kota Munefusa1, Yosuke Isoda2, Takuya Majima3, Daisuke Kan2, Takayuki Harada4, Hiroyuki Oguchi1 (1.Shibaura Tech., 2.ICR, Kyoto Univ., 3.Kyoto Univ., 4.NIMS)
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hydride,infrared laser deposition,magnesium hydride

Metal hydrides are functional materials that can exhibit hydrogen-derived properties such as high-temperature superconductivity and hydride conduction. To exploit their potential, we have synthesized metal hydride thin films by our original radical-hydrogen reactive infrared laser deposition method. In this study, we aimed to improve the quality of MgH2 thin films by varying the amount of radical hydrogen supplied during deposition, which in our previous studies showed significant metal deposition and low crystallinity.


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