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[17a-P01-32]Improved Homogeneity of High-Quantum-Yield Graphene Quantum Dots Separated via Column Chromatography

〇(M2)Natsuno Ishii1, Takuya Hosokai2, Toshiki Sugai1, Shota Kuwahara1 (1.Toho Univ., 2.AIST)
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Graphene quantum dots,Chromatography

Unavoidable structural heterogeneity and polydispersity adversely impact the emission wavelength and monochromaticity of as-synthesized graphene quantum dots (GQDs), which limit their practical applications as a luminescent material. In this work, the size and surface state of benzyl-alcohol-esterified GQDs were controlled by sequential separation process via silica gel and size exclusion column chromatography, resulting in an improvement in the photoluminescence quantum yield of GQDs from 32.0 % to 53.9 %.


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