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[17a-P01-47]Observation of SHG in highly oriented MoS2 monolayer films grown by MOCVD

〇(M1)Asato Suzuki1, Yoshiki Sakuma2, Michio Ikezawa1 (1.Tsukuba Univ., 2.NIMS)
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second-harmonic generation,crystallographic orientation,molybdenum disulfide

For the future application of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) in devices, it is essential to develop deposition techniques that can produce monolayer TMDC films with perfectly aligned crystal orientations on large-area wafers. Recently, the formation of highly oriented MoS2 monolayer films on C-plane sapphire using the MOCVD method has been achieved. The observation of second-harmonic generation (SHG) under an optical microscope is a promising technique for evaluating the orientation. In this study, we measured SHG from MoS2 monolayer films formed under various conditions, including highly oriented MoS2 monolayer films, and compared the results.


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