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[17a-P01-52]Synthesis of Janus Layered Group 13 Monochalcogenide Atomic Layers

〇(M1)Shouhei Yamaguchi1, Hong En Lim1, Keiji Ueno1 (1.Saitama Univ.)
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Janus,atomic layer,layered group-13 monochalcogenide

Layered two-dimensional nanomaterials are expected to have various device applications because their properties vary with the number of layers and composition of the unit layer. In this study, we have attempted to synthesize Janus layered group 13 monochalcogenide atomic layers by replacing chalcogen elements on the surface with other chalcogen elements. In the present study, GaSe thin films formed by exfoliation and transfer of single crystals were heat-sulfurized in a sulfur atmosphere to investigate whether the Janus material can be synthesized or not. The Raman spectra of the sulfurized samples were compared with those calculated theoretically.


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