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[17a-P01-54]Dependence of Photocurrent of MoS2-FET on the amount of the adsorbed CuNPc

〇Tsuyoshi Takaoka1, Gaku Kosuge2, Haotian Liu2, Kazuki Kurosawa2, Sushen Chandra Devsharma2, Atsushi Ando3, Tadahiro Komeda1 (1.IMRAM, Tohoku Univ., 2.Sci, Tohoku Univ., 3.AIST)
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molybdenum disulfide,field effect transistor,molecular sensing

A field effect transistor using several atomic layers of molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) as the channel material was used in the experiment. Irradiating the surface with monochromatic visible light, it is possible to measure the photocurrent spectrum. Experiments were carried out with the aim of performing molecular sensing by analyzing the spectrum when molecules are adsorbed on the MoS2 surface. In this experiment, we investigated the dependence on the amount of copper naphthalocyanine molecules (CuNPc) adsorbed.


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