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[17a-P01-55]Influence of interfacial layer on the inverse spin Hall effect of Bi2Te3/CoFeB

〇Misako Morota1, Shogo Hatayama1, Wipakorn Jevasuwan2, Naoki Fukata2, Yuta Saito1,3 (1.AIST, 2.NIMS, 3.Tohoku Univ.)
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layered material,spintronics,Ferromagnetic resonance

Te-based layered materials have strong spin-orbit coupling and are expected to be a highly efficient spin source. These materials have a characteristic crystal structure consisting of superposed Te-terminated atomic layers and exhibit a unique surface electronic state. On the other hand, the surface state is strongly sensitive to the magnetic proximity effect, thus the control of the interfacial structure is a key issue. In this study, we investigate the relationship between the interfacial layers and spin injection and generation efficiency using a stacked sample in which Te is inserted as an interlayer film between the ferromagnetic material CoFeB and the layered material Bi2Te3.


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