Presentation Information

[17a-P01-63]Characterization of VOx/VSe2 heterostructure-baesd ReRAM

〇(M2)Yuta Nakamura1, Mitsuru Inada1, Keiji Ueno2, Mahito Yamamoto1 (1.Kansai Univ., 2.Saitama Univ.)
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Resistive Random Access Memory,Two-dimensional materials,Silver

Resistive Random Access Memory (ReRAM) has attracted much attention for applications in computing in memory. However, in general, the operation volatge of ReRAM varies from device to device and even in a single device, which is unfavorable for applications. Previously, we have demonstrated stable operation in ReRAM based on a VOx/VSe2 heterostructure with a Ag electrode. In this presentation, we report retention and endurance properties of the ReRAM device.


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