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[17p-B2-5]Theoretical Study on Sturucture of BMD Nuclei (VOX) in RTP Wafers

〇Hiroya Iwashiro1,2, Haruo Sudo1, Ken Hayakawa1, Eiji Kamiyama1, Koji Sueoka3 (1.GlobalWafers Japan Co.,Ltd., 2.Graduate school of Okayama Pref. Univ., 3.Okayama Pref. Univ.)
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Silicon,Vacancy-Oxygen Complex,VO4

The density of oxygen precipitates on silicon (Si) wafers is proportional to the fourth power of the atomic vacancy (V) concentration. From this, 4VO4, which is a collection of four vacancy-oxygen complexes (VO4) introduced by Rapid Thermal Process (RTP), is considered to be the precipitation nucleus of oxygen precipitates. No study has proposed a stable structure of 4VO4, and no specific model is known. Therefore, I searched for the stable structure of 4VO4 by calculating the binding energy of four VO4s assembled using first-principles calculations. As a result, 4VO4 with two symmetric V's was found to be the most stable structure.


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