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[18a-B2-6]Low-Indium InAlGaAs Capped InAs Quantum Dots on InP for Tunable Emission Wavelength

〇JINKWAN KWOEN1, Masahiro Kakuda1, Yasuhiko Arakawa1 (1.U. Tokyo, NanoQuine)
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quantum dot,molecular beam epitaxy

The strain reducing layer (SRL) in InAs/GaAs quantum dots is widely used as a method to extend the emission wavelength while maintaining high optical quality. However, the emission wavelength of InAs QDs in InP lattice-matched InAlGaAs matrices is longer than the C-band used for long-distance communication, requiring wavelength control. Methods such as the indium flush technique have been introduced to address this issue, but controlling the wavelength while maintaining optical quality has been challenging. In this study, we report the successful control of the emission wavelength by applying a low-indium composition InAlGaAs strain reducing layer to InAs QDs grown on an InP substrate.


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