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[18a-C301-4]Si-nanowire-Width-Dependent Performance of Planar Integrated Micro Thermoelectric Generator

〇Masayuki Mishima1, Takuya Miura1, Syuhei Arai1, Takeo Matsuki1, Takanobu Watanabe1 (1.waseda Univ.)
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Thermoelectric Generator,Si-nanowire

In thermoelectric generator using Si nanowires, the performance varies greatly by changing the dimensions of the nanowires. Therefore, we investigated the effect of nanowire width on the power generation performance. The results showed that without cavities, the power generation performance was better with wider wire widths, but with cavities, the maximum performance was achieved at a wire width of 0.3 µm. This is thought to be due to the fact that leakage heat to the substrate was reduced and the thermal resistance of the entire power generation section had a greater impact on the power generation performance.


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