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[18a-P06-16]600℃ operation of a JFET fabricated by ion implantation on an n-type SiC epilayer

〇Mitsuaki Kaneko1, Shunya Shibata1, Taiga Matsuoka1, Tsunenobu Kimoto1 (1.Kyoto Univ.)
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silicon carbide,junction field effect transistor,high temperature

SiC JFET is one of the devices expected to be applied in high-temperature operation integrated circuits (ICs). We have focused on complementary JFETs, combining p- and n-JFETs, aiming to reduce power consumption. We succeeded in fabricating p- and n-JFETs on the same substrate by forming all p- and n-type regions by ion implantation into a semi-insulating substrate. However, due to the decrease in the resistivity of the semi-insulating substrate with increasing temperature (resulting in increased leakage current), the operating temperature was limited to 400°C. In this study, we report the fabrication of JFETs with a double-well structure on an n-type epitaxial layer to further improve high-temperature operation by suppressing leakage current. We demonstrated high-temperature operation at 600°C.


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