Presentation Information

[18p-A22-4]Homoepitaxial growth of Si-doped β-Ga2O3(010) layers by MOVPE

〇(M1)Kakeru Kubota1, Junya Yoshinaga1,2, Takahito Okuyama1, Yuma Terauchi1, Shogo Sasaki3, Kazutada Ikenaga2, Kazushige Shiina4, Shuuichi Koseki2, Yuzaburo Ban4, Yoshinao Kumagai1,3 (1.Tokyo Univ. of Agric. and Tech., 2.TAIYO NIPPON SANSO CORPORATION, 3.TUAT FLOuRISH, 4.TAIYO NIPPON SANSO ATI CORPORATION)
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gallium oxide,metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy,Si-doped

In this talk, we report on our attempt to control n-type conductivity by Si doping in β-Ga2O3(010) homoepitaxial growth by MOVPE. As a result, the Si concentration could be linearly controlled in the range 1015-1019 cm-3. The carrier density was almost equal to the Si concentration, confirming that Si functions as a shallow donor.


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