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[18p-A31-11]Etching of tungsten-based mask materials by CF3+ ion irradiation

〇Hojun Kang1, Shunta Kawabata1, Nicolas A. Mauchamp1, Tomoko Ito1, Erin Joy Capdos Tinacba1, Song-Yun Kang2, Jiwon Son2, Dongkyu Lee2, Kazuhiro Karahashi1, Satoshi Hamaguchi1 (1.Osaka Univ., 2.Samsung Electronics)
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To address the increasing demand for high-density memory devices driven by advancements in smartphones, data centers, and AI technologies, it has become essential to develop efficient fabrication techniques for the etching complicated structures of DRAM and 3D NAND devices. This requires improving plasma etching capabilities using high-energy ions and developing mask materials that resist erosion under high-energy ion irradiation.This study investigates the CF3+ ion etching characteristics of tungsten-based hard masks. Using a mass-selected ion beam system, ions were irradiated onto W and WSi, and the etching yields were measured. It was demonstrated that at low energies, CF3+ ions are suppressed by tungsten-carbon mixed layer, while at high energies, they are promoted by fluorine through chemical etching.


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