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[18p-P09-37]Organic-Inorganic Perovskite Solar Cells with a Semitransparent Carbon-Nanotube Thin-Film Top Electrode

〇(M2)Ibuki Watanabe1, Manabu Ishizaki1, Masato Kurihara1 (1.Yamagata Univ.)
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perovskite,carbon nanotube,semitransparent

Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are suitable for see-through perovskite solar cells due to their p-type semiconducting properties and electrical conductivity. I have successfully utilized semitransparent single-walled CNT films as both a hole-transfer layer and a top electrode for large-grain monolayer organic-inorganic perovskites. By dispersing CNTs with polystyrene sulphonic acids, CNT thin films show higher electrical conductivities than those with conventional sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonates. A perovskite solar cell with the semitransparent CNT thin film (60%T) exhibits a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 10.3% under pseudo-sunlight irradiation through FTO. By bifacial irradiation using low-power LED light, the PCE is improved to 6.23% from 5.39% of monofacial irradiation through FTO.


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